Business Philosophy
Our Vision
Logistics solutions within one click
Our Mission
We create and integrate innovative logistics solutions for the ever changing business.
We do this responsibly, while investing in work efficiency and ensuring a safe and friendly environment for employees.
By being the leader and doing what we can do best, we create a better future for the people around us.
Our values
- Respect
- Professionalism
- Honesty
- Safety
- Teamwork
ISO 14001
Environmental Policy
When it comes to natural resources and the environment, the company’s management is committed to:
- Maintain and improve the environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001
- Comply with pollution prevention and reduce negative environmental impacts
- Formulate environmental objectives for the successful implementation of the environmental policy
- Meet environmental regulatory requirements
- Encourage employees to protect the environment and to maintain cleanliness and order
General terms and conditions for the provision of freight forwarding services by ARIJUS, UAB
1. The present General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Freight Forwarding
Services (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Terms’) apply to all orders submitted to the Freight
Forwarder, all concluded contracts and other agreements, as well as to all offers submitted or
services provided by the Freight Forwarder, regardless of what specific services are provided to
individual Customers, if the relevant Customer has been informed of the application of the Terms.
2. Orders made via e-mail or using information technology tools or programs have the same
legal effect as contracts made in writing, except for the cases where legal acts require a contract
to be made in writing.
3. The Terms are valid to the extent that they are not in conflict with the requirements of
legal acts. Any deviations from the Terms are valid only if the Freight Forwarder have consented
expressly to such deviations in writing.
4. The Customer submitting an order or concluding a contract confirms that the Customer
has read and agrees with the Terms. It shall be considered that all persons acting on behalf of the
Customer are duly authorised by the latter and have powers to submit an order, conclude a contract
or confirm acquaintance with these Terms.
5. The following terms shall be used for the purposes of these Terms:
5.1. ‘Freight Forwarder’ means Arijus, UAB or/and any other Company within the Arijus
Group, submitting these Terms to the Customer.
5.2. ‘Customer’ means any legal person who submits an Order or enters into a Contract for
the provision of the services specified in Clause 5 of the Terms.
5.3. ‘Contract’ means any contract for the provision of forwarding services concluded
between the Freight Forwarder and the Customer. In certain cases, and where it is not in conflict
with applicable laws, the conclusion of the Contract may take place in another form, for example,
where the Customer and the Freight Forwarder have agreed on the basic terms and conditions of
services via e-mail or in another manner. The Contract shall consist of the Order and the present
Terms unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.
5.4. ‘Order’ means a document submitted by the Customer to the Freight Forwarder,
indicating specific information about the specific services ordered by the Customer. It shall be
considered that the Order has been accepted and has to be executed when the Parties have
coordinated all the details of service provision, and the Freight Forwarder has confirmed this to
the Customer. The Customer’s Order shall specify the following: the required data concerning the
cargo, the place of cargo loading, dispatch and destination, the transportation method, the need for
cargo insurance, the service provision deadlines, and other relevant terms and conditions.
6. The Customer shall instruct, and the Freight Forwarder shall undertake for a fee to provide
the Customer with services concerning the organisation of cargo carriage and perform other related
actions at the Customer’s expense.
7. The Parties agree to stipulate the terms and conditions of specific cargo transportation in
an annex to the Contract or in the Order, which may be submitted via electronic means of
communication and shall form an integral part of the Contract.
8. The Freight Forwarder shall:
8.1. Perform all actions related to cargo transportation or/and organisation of transportation
based on the terms and conditions agreed on with the Customer in advance;
8.2. Keep the Customer informed about the location of the cargo along the entire cargo
transportation route;
8.3. Execute the Customer’s instructions provided for in Clause 9.5 below;
8.4. Have the right to unilaterally determine the payment procedure if the Customer breaches
the Contract, Order or these Terms;
8.5. Have its civil liability insured for an amount of at least EUR 500,000;
8.6. Compensate the Customer in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts
for damage caused by non-fulfilment or inadequate fulfilment of the Contract;
8.7. Be exempted from the fulfilment of obligations if the Customer fails to fulfil the
obligations assumed under the Terms, the Order, or the Contract.
9. The Customer shall:
9.1. Provide the Freight Forwarder with all documents and information about the
characteristics of the cargo and the requirements concerning the transportation conditions of the
cargo, as well as any other information necessary for the Freight Forwarder to fulfil properly its
obligations under the Contract;
9.2. Ensure that the cargo is properly prepared, packed and secured, except for the cases
where the performance of the said operations is entrusted to the Freight Forwarder in writing;
9.3. Pay the Freight Forwarder a fee for cargo transportation or/and the organisation of cargo
9.4. In accordance with the procedure established by these Terms, compensate the Freight
Forwarder for any additional costs incurred during the execution of the Contract or Order.
Additional costs may include, but are not limited to, expenses related to unforeseen delays,
detentions, storage, special handling requirements, compliance with changes in regulations, and any
other circumstances beyond the Freight Forwarder’s control, and shall be identified and documented
by the Freight Forwarder;
9.5. Provide the Freight Forwarder with instructions for the warehousing, loading,
transportation and storage of perishable goods and goods that have special characteristics due to
which damage may be caused to other goods, people or the environment;
9.6. Be responsible for the correctness of the data provided in the cargo documents and
compensate the Freight Forwarder for the losses suffered by the latter due to the provision of
inadequate, incorrect or incomplete documents or information by the Customer;
9.7. In the event of failure to present the cargo in due time or to make use of the shipping
containers or vehicles provided, pay the Freight Forwarder a fine of EUR 100 for each day of delay
or each unused container or vehicle, except for the cases where this occurs due to force majeure or
interruption/restriction of cargo transportation via certain routes in accordance with the procedure
established by transport laws or in other cases provided for by transport codes or other laws;
9.8. When making a claim, shall not have the right to withhold the payment of the claim
amount until the final examination of the claim.
10. In the event of non-fulfilment of the obligations stipulated in the Terms and/or the
Contract, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the procedure established by the Terms and/or
the Contract and/or legal acts.
11. Where the Order, the Contract or the Terms are violated due to non-performance or
inadequate performance of a transport contract, the Freight Forwarder’s liability towards the
Customer shall be determined based on the same rules as the carrier’s liability towards the Freight
12. The Party whose culpable actions and/or omissions cause losses to the other Party shall
compensate the other Party for the direct losses incurred by the latter, unless otherwise specified in
individual clauses of the Terms and/or the Contract.
13. The Freight Forwarder shall not be responsible for the proper execution of contractual
relations between the Customer and the third parties. In all cases, the Freight Forwarder shall
compensate the Customer only for the direct losses incurred at the Freight Forwarder’s fault.
14. Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) and
the liability-related rules established by the abovementioned convention concerning the
compensation for damage to the cargo shall apply to all Orders involving cargo transportation by
15. Upon termination of the Contract or the expiration of the validity period thereof, the
financial obligations shall remain valid until full payment for the services provided.
16. The amount of the service provision fee and the fee payment procedure shall be
determined in the Order.
17. The service provision fee shall be paid by a payment order to the bank account specified
by the Freight Forwarder.
18. It shall be considered that the fee has been paid when the money is credited to the bank
account specified by the Freight Forwarder.
19. In case of failure to make the relevant payment on time, the Customer shall pay a default
interest of 0.02% of the due amount for each day of delay.
20. Failure to fulfil a monetary obligation by the set deadline shall be considered a material
breach of the Terms, the Order and/or the Contract.
21. Any disputes, disagreements or claims arising out of or relating to the Terms and/or the
Contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the Parties. Where the Parties fail to resolve
any disputes through negotiation, such disputes shall be settled in court at the choice of the Party
submitting the claim to the court based on the location of the seat of the Freight Forwarder or the
22. The Terms, the Order and the Contract shall be governed by the law of the Republic of
23. The Parties undertake not to distribute or disclose any confidential information to the
third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party, as well as not to use it for any
purposes unrelated to the performance of obligations under the Contract. In the event of violation
of the said obligation, the Party that violated it shall compensate the other Party for the direct losses
incurred by the latter as a result. The disclosure of such information to State authorities, where
required by legal acts, to the Parties’ lawyers, auditors, consultants, or other employees to the extent
necessary for the proper execution of the Contract or any individual terms and conditions of the
Contract shall not be considered violation of confidentiality obligations. The Parties shall ensure
that all persons assigned to provide services under the Contract comply with the confidentiality
obligations and shall undertake to compensate all direct losses resulting from the disclosure of
confidential information by such persons.
24. The obligation of confidentiality shall remain applicable within the entire period of
validity of the Contract and indefinitely after the expiration of the Contract unless the Contract
stipulates otherwise.
25. In the event of any inconsistencies between the terms and conditions specified in the
Terms and the terms and conditions specified in the Order and/or the Contract, the terms and
conditions specified in the Order and/or the Contract shall take precedence.
Quality, employees safety and health, energy efficiency policies
The company has implemented a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, SQAS standards.
The company adheres to the approved quality policy and strives to constantly improve operational processes, ensuring the highest quality and sustainable, environmentally friendly operations.
The management of the company, having implemented SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment System), undertakes:
- to ensure safe and efficient transportation of chemical cargoes and work with them;
- ensure occupational safety of employees, protection of society and nature;
- familiarize employees with working equipment and cargo in detail, and keep a detailed job description, carry out periodic training, including in accordance with the Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) or similar program;
- to periodically control employees whether they comply with the requirements.
The management of the company declares that the use of alcohol and narcotic substances is strictly prohibited in the company.
The company has implemented an energy management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard. In order to better control energy consumption at “Arijus”, UAB, one of the chosen solution methods is the collection of data from consumed electricity, water and fuel. The collection of this data enables taking steps to reduce energy consumption in the company’s activities.
For the implementation of these aspirations and obligations, an integrated management system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and SQAS standards has been created, applied and continuously improved. The relevance and effectiveness of this policy and the integrated management system are analyzed during the management evaluation analysis.
The Company’s policy is available to the public, all employees and persons working on behalf of the Company must familiarize themselves with this policy and must follow its provisions in their activities. The policy is reviewed annually, and the company’s goals are set (revised) in accordance with its provisions.
The management of the organization, realizing the importance of increasing energy efficiency, undertakes:
- strive for the most efficient use of energy resources;
- ensure the availability of information and the necessary resources for the implementation of goals and tasks;
- comply with legal and other requirements related to energy use, costs and performance;
- apply energetically advanced engineering solutions and technologies;
- to efficiently manage energy resources, using renewable energy sources;
- to develop the awareness of the organization’s and suppliers’ personnel, to promote the rational and efficient use of energy resources;
- review the policy annually to ensure it remains relevant and ensure its availability to the public.
Equal opportunities policy
1. The Equal Opportunities Policy of Arijus UAB (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and the description of the procedure for its implementation (hereinafter referred to as “the Procedure”) sets out the principles of prevention of discrimination and harassment and ensuring equal opportunities, as well as the conditions and procedures for their implementation.
2. The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure that the Company’s decisions regarding job applicants, recruits and employees are made solely on the basis of personal qualities, and that job applicants and employees are not treated in a discriminatory manner that is not related to the quality of the work performed or other personal qualities.
3. Terms used in the regulations:
3.1. “Personal characteristics” mean a person’s sex, race, nationality, citizenship, language, origin, social status, religion, beliefs or opinions, age, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, religion, membership of a political party or association, intention to have a child/children, and any other circumstances unrelated to the qualities of the candidate or employee.
3.2. “Substantive characteristics” mean a person’s education, qualifications, work experience and other job-related characteristics.
3.3. “Discrimination” means direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, or directing discrimination on the basis of personal traits.
3.4. “Equal opportunities” mean the implementation of the human rights enshrined in international human and civil rights instruments and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, regardless of personal traits.
3.5. “Indirect discrimination” means an act or omission, a legal rule or criterion of assessment, or a condition or practice which is apparently neutral and which is formally identical, but which, when implemented or applied, results in or is liable to result in an actual restriction of the enjoyment of rights or in the granting of a privilege, a preference or advantage on the basis of a personal trait, unless the act or omission, the rule or criterion of assessment, or the condition or practise is justified by a legitimate aim and is pursued by appropriate and necessary measures.
3.6. “Harassment” means unwanted conduct which, on the basis of personal traits, is intended to insult or violate the dignity of a person and is intended to create or does create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
3.7. “Direct discrimination” means treatment of a person where, on the basis of personal traits, one is treated less favourably than another has been or would be treated in similar circumstances, except for restrictions or special measures imposed by law, or where, by reason of the nature of the particular occupational activities concerned or the conditions under which they are pursued, a particular human characteristic is an essential and determining occupational requirement, and that objective is legitimate and the requirement is proportionate, or where the legal regulation of restrictions, special requirements or special conditions relating to the social status of the person is justified by a legitimate objective, and the means of achieving that objective are appropriate and necessary.
4. Employees must be guaranteed equal working conditions, access to education, training, skills development and career advancement, professional progress, vocational training, retraining, practical work experience, and the same benefits, without distinction as to their personal characteristics.
5. The Company respects the dignity of every individual. The Company must organise its work in such a way that each employee feels respected and is able to make full use of their abilities and that the individual differences and contributions of all employees are recognised and valued.
6. Employees must not discriminate, harass, mock or intimidate other employees on the basis of their personal traits. The Company must take measures to ensure that employees do not suffer harassment or be given instructions to discriminate in the workplace.
7. The Company must take steps to ensure that an employee who makes a report or complaint of discrimination, harassment, failure to provide equal opportunities or bullying, or who participates in the consideration of such a report or complaint, must not be subject to victimisation and must be protected from adverse consequences. This condition must also apply to the representative of the person making the allegation or complaint and to the person who testifies and provides explanations.
8. Disabled persons must be provided with conditions for access to employment, career development or training, including appropriate adaptation of premises, unless the implementation of such obligations would impose disproportionate burdens on the Company.
9. Decisions on the selection and recruitment of candidates must be made in good faith, having regard to the candidate’s professional qualities, ability to perform the job well and other criteria relating to the position and the job.
10. Vacancy notices must be drawn up in such a way as not to restrict participation in the selection procedure to candidates with particular personal qualities. Job advertisements must indicate that the Company applies this Procedure.
11. The staff responsible for selecting candidates and for organising and conducting interviews must be clearly informed of the selection criteria. If possible, at least two employees of the Company must participate in the interview with the candidate.
12. Candidates must only be asked questions relating to the selection criteria. Employees of the Company participating in the interview may not ask questions about the personal characteristics of the candidate or make assumptions about the role of the candidate in the home and family, insofar as this is not directly related to the application of the guarantees provided for in the Labour Code.
13. The decision to terminate the employment relationship must be based on the same criteria for dismissal, regardless of the personal characteristics of employees.
14. The Company organises training for its employees, in accordance with its strategic objectives and financial resources, which:
14.1. Improve employees’ understanding of the prevalence and harm of discrimination and harassment and of prejudices related to personal characteristics;
14.2. Raise awareness of the direct and indirect nature of discrimination and of the conditions under which it may occur and how it may be avoided;
14.3. Familiarise employees with the legislation in force in the field of equal opportunities and its application;
14.4. Assist managers and staff in avoiding violations of this Procedure and the law, as well as provide knowledge in the field of conflict resolution.
15. The determination of remuneration for individual employees in the Company must be based on objective criteria relating to the employee’s professional qualities, the nature of work performed, results achieved and other objective criteria, which are laid down in a separate document. The personal traits of a staff member must have no bearing on the determination of remuneration.
16. All staff members must be paid the same remuneration for the same or equivalent work, irrespective of the individual characteristics of the employee. The same work means performing the work activities, which, in accordance with objective criteria, has the same or similar work activities so that both employees can be interchanged without major costs of the employer. Equivalent work means that the work is, in accordance with objective criteria, no less skilled and no less important to the employer’s performance objectives than other comparable work.
17. The criteria governing the selection of candidates for promotion must relate only to the ability of the person and to the quality of the work performed and personal achievements in the professional field, and no employee may be discriminated against on the basis of their personal traits.
18. Performance appraisals must be carried out by applying the same criteria to all staff members, without taking into account personal characteristics or other circumstances which are not related to the staff member’s professional qualities, professional achievement or personal performance.
19. Employees and applicants who believe that their equal opportunities are being violated, or that they are being discriminated against or harassed, must have the right to contact their line manager or the head of the Company and to identify the person who may be violating the rights of the employee. The allegation or complaint may be anonymous.
20. The head of the Company, or the head of the Company’s structural unit who receives the allegation or complaint, must investigate the allegation or complaint and make a decision on the circumstances set out in the allegation or complaint within 10 business days of receipt of the allegation or complaint. At the request of the person making the allegation or complaint, and taking into account the complexity of the circumstances referred to in the allegation or complaint, a committee may be set up to examine the allegation or complaint. The application of the principle of mediation must be applied to a statement or complaint, i.e. in order to resolve the dispute amicably, the negative influence and damage of their conduct or actions must be explained to the parties to the dispute, restoring good relations and mutual respect. The persons involved must be informed of the proceedings and the decisions taken in the application or complaint in the same way as the application or complaint was lodged.
21. In the event of failure to resolve the dispute by meditation, as well as in the event of obvious violations of the rights of the employee or the candidate, the Company must refer such a statement or complaint to the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman or other competent authority for scrutiny. Information about such an allegation or complaint must be treated as confidential and must not be disclosed to persons who are not involved in the alleged infringement or its investigation.
22. The Company must cooperate with the investigating authorities during the investigation of a possible infringement and must provide all available information relevant to the investigation of the possible infringement.
23. Any harassment or hostile treatment of an employee or applicant for a vacancy who has made a statement or complaint of discrimination or any other violation of his equal opportunities is prohibited and constitutes a violation of the employment obligations, which is subject to the liability provided for in the Labour Code.
24. Employees are made aware of this Policy by electronic means.
25. Violation of this Policy shall be deemed a violation of work duties for which the liability provided for in the Labour Code must apply. Cases of discrimination identified in the Company must be referred for investigation to the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman or other competent authorities.
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